Foraging walk for foreigners to Lønborg

mennesker ser på plante i naturen. Photo: Hjørdis Maria Longva

Practical info

Date: 23.05.24

Time: 17:00 - 19:00

Address: Helleveien 256T, 5039 Bergen, Norge

Hosting society: Bergen sopp- og nyttevekstforening

Region: Vestland

Price from: Gratis


Hjørdis Maria Longva

The event is closed for registration

Learn the most common wild edible plants in Norweigan nature.

On this foraging walk to Nedre Lønborg we will look for edible wild plants in the area. We begin with a short introduction at the meeting point, and walk together as a group from there.

The guides will stop by plants of interest along the way and show important characteristics, explain what to look for to remember and correctly identify the plant, whether it has any dopplegangers, and which common uses it has for food and drink.

Since none of the tour guides are native English speakers, and we expect varying levels of Norwegian and English comprehension in the group, we expect to use a combination of both languages, and will rely on both patience and follow-up questions from the group.

The walk is open for everyone and free of charge.


The meeting point is in Helleveien, right across the street from the busstop "Lønborg", which lies on the 12/19 line from the city center.